Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tell Her No

William Bates does The Zombies'
Tell Her No

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Reedy River Flows

in my hometown
there is nothing much before around
the northern wind brought it down...brought it down

the reedy river flows
under a $ 4 million bridge everyone knows
while the hungry have no clothes

the mayor is so proud
but his honor it is in a shroud
would the millworkers be proud

the bankers they are thieves
they mortgage our past with no belief
in city view there is no relief

they put up a statue for our hero
black betsy in the hands of shoeless joe
but who is this man they claim to know?...claim to know

out on woodside avenue
where the factory whistles once blew
and young men went off to world war war two

there is a stillness in the air
something even worse than despair
where the people just dont seem to care...seem to care

as for me i'll remember meadowbrook park
and the home runs sailing into the dark
sometimes a fire can start without a spark...without a spark

the reedy river flows
words and music by w. bates

Hear: The Reedy River Flows

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


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